

  • 性质: 社会责任验厂
  • 品牌: NBCU
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Vendor Document Request List





Section CategoryQuestion ID#Text of the QuestionFinding CategoryFlag TypeQN Wt.Auditor Guide Notes
Emergency Prep
1.8Are fire drills conducted at least annually with a representative number of workers on all shifts and all occupied buildings, including dormitories and daycare facilities?  Does site have an emergency preparedness plan (EPP) in place with guidelines and training for major incident response as needed and reflecting onsite risk activity (fire, chemical or gas release)?  Has the EPP been communicated to local authorities, emergency services and local communities, if required?

Fire Protection

Red Flag

3Verify through document review and confirm with interviews.  Auditor to check for records of all drills.  Factory is not required to evacuate all personnel at once to demonstrate compliance of this question.  Check if requirements listed in EPP have been implemented.

Emergency Prep
1.9Is there an audible alarm system to notify employees of an emergency situation in all areas of the property?  Are the emergency alarm systems tested in all areas including outlying areas such as dormitory, daycare facilities, cafeterias/canteens and warehouses at least every six months?  Does factory have a fire alarm maintenance program?

Fire Protection

Red Flag

3Verify through observations, interview and review of test maintenance records. The auditor can have the systems tested during the audit to confirm operability. This includes any non factory productions area, such as dormitories, daycare facilities, cafeterias/canteens and warehouses. Confirm alarm systems are audible in high noise areas of the factory, in break rooms, stairwells,  and toilets.

Labor Rights
1.32Are employees free from required medical tests of pregnancy, HIV, hepatitis, or proof of virginity as a condition of employment?  Are rights of pregnant workers protected?

Red Flag

3Review medical screening of new hire and periodic testing policies, verify through interviews.


包通过的北方山东专业验厂认证咨询辅导公司|BSCI验厂|Sedex认证FNBCU_Factory AwarenessGuide_China_Chinese.pdf


标签: NBCU验厂